
In the programme of the event

Day 1. Session No. 1

Leningrad Region - LNG Leader Region

LNG development in the Leningrad Region and NWFD: news, key projects, investment potential


  • Ekaterina Kosareva - founder of HMedia agency
  • Pavel Sarafannikov - President of the National LNG Association

Major Themes:

  • LNG production projects in the North-West Federal District
  • projects on the use of LNG as an alternative energy carrier
  • key projects
  • LNG map

Invited to participate are:  JSC Cryogas, LLC Cryogas Vysotsk, LLC Gazprom LNG Technologies, LLC Novatek LNG Toplivo, 3rd Bus Park, LLC Gazprom GMT, LLC Gazprom LNG Portovaya

Day 1. Session No. 2

Regional LNG industry projects

Experience and prospects of LNG production and utilisation in Russian regions. Project development models


  • Alexander Klimentiev - First Vice-President of the Scientific and Expert Council of the National LNG Association

Major Themes:

  • Regional experience in LNG projects
  • Main markets for low-tonnage LNG

Invited to participate are: LLC Aurora LNG, LLC LNG, UMMC, LLC Gazprom helium service, LLC LNG InvestProject, LLC SibirEnergo, National LNG Association

Day 1. Session No. 3

GMT is the main driver of the domestic market

GMT market development dynamics. Development of cryo-fuelling stations network


  • Sergey Ivanov - Director of the analytical agency LNG.Expert

Major Themes:

  • incentivising the transition to LNG
  • experience in the operation of vehicles with GMT
  • Companies' plans to expand the petrol station market
  • CNG and LNG: What is the path of GMT development in Russia?

Invited to participate are: OOO Gazprom GMT, PJSC KAMAZ, OOO Donmetan, OOO Gazprom LNG Technologies, OOO Filling Station Management, Tonar, SK Ak Bars

Day 1. Session No. 4-1

Technical regulation. LNG quality

Barriers to the development of Russian LNG. What quality of LNG will satisfy the market?

Moderator: Vladimir Voronov - R&D of AO Gazprom Diagnostics

Major Themes:

  • Government regulation of the LNG industry
  • ensuring LNG quality along the production chain
  • when the market needs an "A" brand

Invited to participate are: LNG producers, representatives of TC 052, Gubkin Russian State University, SGS Vostok LLC, Institute of Oil and Gas Technology Initiatives, GIPRONIIGAZ-MP LLC, Prommashtest Engineering, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists

Day 1. Session No. 4-2

Financial support of the market. The industry under sanctions pressure. Legal aspects of companies' activities.

Financial support of the market. The industry under sanctions pressure. Legal aspects of companies' activities.

Moderator:Konstantin Olegovich Rodinsky - President of the Union of Oil and Gas Equipment Manufacturers

Major Themes:

  • Government subsidies and their role in the development of the LNG industry
  • financial support - banking instruments
  • tax regimes for LNG projects

Invited to participate are: Gazprombank, investment groups

Day 1. VIP excursion

VIP-excursion to the vessel "Chaika" (by special invitation)

"Chaika LNG" is the first passenger vessel fuelled by liquefied natural gas designed and built in Russia. The motor vessel was built at the A.M. Gorky Zelenodolsk Plant. The project belongs to GAZPROM LNG Technologies LLC.

Day 2. Plenary session

LNG in the Russian Federation - current agenda, growth points, development strategies


  • Pavel Sarafannikov - President of the National LNG Association

Key issues:

  • State policy issues in the LNG industry
  • Government policy for the LNG industry
  • industry support measures
  • growth points
  • main directions for stimulating LNG consumption

Invited to participate are: Governor of the Leningrad Region, Government of the Leningrad Region, State Duma of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian Energy Agency, JSC Gazprombank, LLC Banter Group

Day 2. Session No. 5

Technologies and equipment for KTSPG

Key investment projects and investors, international co-operation


  • Alexander Klimentiev - First Vice-President of the Scientific and Expert Council of the National LNG Association

Key issues:

  • development of CTSG projects in Russia
  • LNG production, storage and transportation technologies
  • new markets and pricing models

Invited to participate are: "GTI, GE Engineering, IEA Engineering and Consulting LLC, TsNIIMF, Cryogas Vysotsk LLC, NIPI PEGAZ, OKA RUSAL

Day 2. Session No. 6

Small tonnage LNG - supplying the market with a product
and a point of technological growth

LNG production and utilisation technologies. Production of equipment, state support. Birth of national leaders

Moderator: Sergey Ivanov - Director of the analytical agency LNG.Expert

Key issues:

  • LNG production technologies
  • best available technologies MTSPG
  • Kamchatka and Chita - mega-projects for domestic market development

Invited to participate are: JSC Cryogas, PJSC Cryogenmash, LLC Gazkholodtekhnika, N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, I.M. Gubkin Russian State University, LLC NPK NTL, LLC NPK Shelf, LLC Aurora Gas, LLC Bunter Group, LLC.

Day 2. Session No. 7

LNG logistics

Key features and solutions for LNG transport, storage and distribution.

Moderator: Pavel Sarafannikov - President of the National LNG Association

Key issues:

  • peculiarities of LNG equipment delivery
  • peculiarities of LNG logistics for autonomous gasification

Invited to participate are: "LNG Logistics, Gazprom-Flot, Eurasia LNG, Sovcomflot, GTI, Izotermik, Cryogenmash, GE Engineering, Gazprom Neft Marine Bunker

Day 3. Technical visits and excursions

Technical visit to an operating LNG facility

Information is being updated

28 November, Tuesday
8:30-9:30Registration. Morning coffee

Forum Opening. Key and topical

News and key aspects of the LNG industry in the Russian Federation, presentation of the LNG passport of the Leningrad Region and St. Petersburg LNG projects.

Moderator: Ekaterina Kosareva, General Director of HMedia industrial event agency
Potential of the Leningrad Region in the LNG industryDmitry YalovDeputy Chairman of the Government of the Leningrad Region, Administration of the Leningrad Region
Presentation of the passport of LNG projects in the Leningrad region. Database of LNG companies with contact personsPavel SarafannikovPresident, Chairman of the Board of the National LNG Association
Technical capabilities of CryogasVladimir Smelov, General Director of JSC Cryogas
LNG projects, development of small tonnage projectsZakhar KondratyevDeputy Director General of Gazprom LNG Technologies LLC
Experience with LNG busesKirill Dyakovsky, General Director of JSC Tretiy Park
10:45-11:15Coffee break

Session #1. Regional cases

LNG development in the regions on the example of the Leningrad Region: news, key projects, investment potential.

Moderators: Alexander KlimentievFirst Vice-President of the Scientific and Expert Council of the National LNG Association; Pavel SarafannikovPresident, Chairman of the Board of the National LNG Association
Implementation of the Arkhangelsk LNG projectSergey SmirnovDirector of LLC Arkhangelsk LNG
NOVATEK's experience in small-scale LNG projectsAlexander KhrikulovDeputy Director of NOVATEK's Gasification and Domestic LNG Marketing Department
Is it possible to bank finance projects to create small-scale LNG complexes?Anastasia GolovanDeputy Director of the Oil, Gas and Chemical Industry Financing Department of Gazprombank JSC
Autonomous small tonnage LNG storage terminals - promising sources of energy supply in the internal and border regions of the Russian FederationKhanukh KhanukhovDirector General of NPK Isothermik LLC, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the AIN of the Russian Federation
Participation in infrastructure projects for LNG production and consumptionKirill IvanovskyHead of LNG Business Unit, LenPromAvtomatika Ltd.
12:20-13:20Solemn signings. Demonstration of technology and equipment exhibition

Technical visits to LNG facilities

Departure of group #1 - 14:30

Departure of group No. 2 - 15:00

9:00-9:30Registration. Morning coffee

Plenary session. LNG Russia

Current agenda, growth points, development strategies

Moderator: Pavel SarafannikovPresident, Chairman of the Board of the National LNG Association
Welcoming remarksPavel Sorokin, First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation
Programme of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on NGV fuel consumption until 2035Polina AlexandraDeputy Director of the Development Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation
Outlook for the global LNG marketMaria Belova, Research Director, Implementsa LLC
LNG map of Russia. Atlas of LNG industry investment projects, investment opportunities.Alexander KlimentievFirst Vice-President of the Scientific and Expert Council, National LNG Association
LNG industry certification, key stages and specificsGeorgiy Garkusha, General Director, PromMash Test LLC
Repair of quarry and municipal equipmentVasily ZininExecutive Director of the National Gas Motor Association
11:00-11:30Coffee break

Session #2. Technologies

Technologies and equipment: state-of-the-art equipment, key equipment manufacturers in Russia, technological solutions for LNG production.

Moderators: Alexander KlimentievFirst Vice-President of the Scientific and Expert Council of the National LNG Association; Sergey GoryachevHead of Oil and Gas Business Unit, NTL Ltd.
NOVATEK's medium- and large-capacity natural gas liquefaction technologiesSergey RudenkoHead of Advanced Technologies Division, LNG Department, NOVATEK (under approval)
"Heliymash in the LNG marketAlexander SychkovDeputy General Director for Commercial Work of NPO "Geliymash"
APG treatment for gas liquefaction plants. Mobile gas treatment plantsSergey BordachevChief Project Engineer, Bunter Group LLC
LNG production technology on the example of LNG plant 700 thousand tonnes per yearIgor MullerDirector of Business Development of Zhongtai Cryogenic Technology Company
Helium Recovery from BOG of LNGYang JianyongMinister of International Business Division of Sichuan Air Separation Plant Group.
Fortune's LNG technologyEvgeny Chernov, Development Director, Hangzhou Fortune Gas Cryogenic Group Co., Ltd.
Blended gas liquefaction technologyAlexander KrotovCandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Refrigeration, Cryogenic Technology, Air Conditioning and Life Support Systems of Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Session #2. Technologies

Technologies and equipment: state-of-the-art equipment, key equipment manufacturers in Russia, technological solutions for LNG production.

Moderators: Mikhail SmirnovPresident of the Association "EnergoInnovation"; Alexander KlimentievFirst Vice-President of the Scientific and Expert Council, National LNG Association
Digital twins and AI in LNGPavel KalashnikovCandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, RAO, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas NIU
Challenges of implementing large-capacity LNG projects in the current realitiesAlexander AdoevskyGeneral Director, IES ENGINEERING & CONSULTING LLC
Optimisation of LNG production and consumption projects at different stages of the life cycle and the role of the company at each of themArtem Konstantinov, General Director of Satellite-Krio LLC
Natural gas pre-treatment using critical temperatures to improve adsorption purification efficiencyIvan BabaylovDeputy Chief Designer of NTL Ltd.
Formation of the optimal business configuration of a small-capacity LNG project based on variant studies of technologies, engineering subsystems and external factorsAlexey Kovalenko, Technical Director, OilGasProject LLC
How to make your LNG project a success: building LNG supply chainsSergey Lukyanov, General Director of RATA Ltd.
LNG production using MR-PEGAZ technology. Small-, medium- and large-capacity productionAndrey KurochkinDeputy Director General for Scientific Work of NIPI "PEGAZ" Ltd.
15:30-16:00Coffee break

Session #3. Money (Hall No.1)

Where does the money come from? Key investment projects and investors, regional potential, subsidies, international co-operation.

Moderators: Sergey Ivanov, Executive Director of the National LNG Association; Sergey Agaurov, General Director of Himmash-Apparat LLC
Banking support of contracts in the oil and gas industryKonstantin BudzovicHead of the DBSC Centre in St. Petersburg, JSC GPB Bank
Monitoring the implementation of the roadmap for the development of the NGL and NGL marketSergey IvanovExecutive Director of the National LNG Association
Mechanisms of state support for the development of the industryVolodymyr MartsenyukManaging Director, Head of the Import Substitution Competence Centre in the Fuel and Energy Sector of the Agency for Technological Development
Comprehensive implementation of LNG projects in RussiaAlexei SemyonovDevelopment Director, Grasys JSC

Session #4. Logistics (Hall 2)

Key features and solutions for LNG transport, storage and distribution.

Moderators: Valery ShaposhnikovHead of Department, Krylov State Research Centre; Pavel SarafannikovPresident, Chairman of the Board of the National LNG Association
Gazprom Neft's experience in the LNG bunkering marketElena MatveevaProject Manager, Strategic Planning and Development Department, Gazprom Neft Marine Bunker LLC
Localisation of a full range of solutions for isothermal storage and shipment of LNGIlya MudrikDeputy General Director for Sales and Development, GE Gas Engineering LLC
Development of designs and manufacturing technologies for thermal insulation of membrane tanks for LNG tanker constructionValery ShaposhnikovHead of the Department of the Krylov State Research Centre FSUE
Logistics of the Northern Sea Route. Comparative analysis of major logistics corridorsKonstantin GrinevichManaging Partner, Glogos Project LLC
Experience and perspectives of LNG maritime transportationRuslan MelikovHead of LNG Marine Transportation, Storage and Regasification Department, OOO Gazprom Flot
17:10-17:40Coffee break

Session No. 5. Round table: What to do? (Hall No. 2)

Breakthrough to LNG markets: what to do? Regulatory and legal regulation of the industry and its functioning under sanctions restrictions.

Moderators: Alexander KlimentievFirst Vice-President of the Scientific and Expert Council of the National LNG Association; Igor BaranovProfessor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director, Associate Professor, Educational Centre "Energy Efficient Engineering Systems", ITMO University

Roundtable participants:

Alexander KhrikulovDeputy Director, Domestic LNG Gasification and Marketing Department, PJSC NOVATEK

Pavel KalashnikovVice-Rector for Scientific Work, Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University (Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University)

Sergey SmirnovCEO of Arkhangelsk LNG LLC, Director of Sozvezvedie Association of Oil and Gas Industry Suppliers

Zakhar KondratyevDeputy Director General, Gazprom LNG Technologies LLC

Georgiy GarkushaGeneral Director, PromMash Test Engineering Ltd.

Sergey IvanovExecutive Director, National LNG Association

Solemn closing of the Forum, invitation to the evening reception

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